• Dhita Adriani Rangkuti Universitas Prima Indonesia
  • Selvy Chairunnisa Universitas Prima Indonesia
  • Al Fa Ridho Ryantono Universitas Prima Indonesia
  • William William Universitas Prima Indonesia


This research was done at PT. Sinar Graha Indonesia Medan. PT. Sinar Graha Indonesia is a company moving in Property Field that produces residences for society. To improve the performance of employees is a very important thing. One of the ways is by giving incentive to employees. It is given to them as a spirit or mood booster so that they will work with good spirit and work better. Communication is information exchange done in order to do work and task at the company well. The theory used in thus research was human resource management theory that was related to incentive, communication, and performance of employee. The method research applied was quantitative approach with descriptive quantitative method. The data testing technique used stratified sampling. Data collection was done by interview, division questionnaire and documentation study. Method of analysis applied was multiple linear regression with the result of the coefficient determination testing stimulant (F-Test) and partial (t-Test). The population in this research was one hundred and forty three (143) employees and the samples used were 105 employees. The result of research showed that incentive and communication in simultant and partial way related significantly to employees’ performance with coefficient determination value was as much as 59.1% and the rest was as much as 40.9% shown by independent variable that not tested such as leadership, compensation and communication. The result showed the value of Fcount> Ftable was (76.121>3,06) and test value was thitung> ttable. Incentive variable was (7.136>1,982) and communication variable was (2.213>1.982). Therefore incentive and communication related positively and significantly to PT. Sinar Graha Indonesia employees’ performance.

May 31, 2019
How to Cite
RANGKUTI, Dhita Adriani et al. PENGARUH INSENTIF DAN KOMUNIKASI TERHADAP KINERJA KARYAWAN PT. SINAR GRAHA INDONESIA. JURNAL GLOBAL MANAJEMEN, [S.l.], v. 8, n. 1, p. 108-120, may 2019. ISSN 2715-6001. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 03 oct. 2024.